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When every step hurts, quality of life is seriously compromised. CH-Alpha is the perfect, natural and effective way to protect and regenerate joint cartilage – for an active lifestyle at every age. It gives people back quality of life. CH-Alpha is a highly effective, very convenient and pleasant-tasting formulation based on FORTIGEL. These natural, bioactive collagen peptides have been scientifically proven to stimulate the synthesis of new joint cartilage. In many cases, a regular supply of collagen peptides can help to rejuvenate the joint cartilage and make movement both smoother and more comfortable. After just a few weeks of regular intake, many patients, somewhat gratefully, experience significant pain relief and increased mobility.


  • Help nourish cartilage tissue directly
  • Help cartilage absorb maximum nutrients
  • Helps regenerate and restore cartilage degeneration
  • Reduce joint pain, joint injuries heal and protects joints health and flexibility

How to Use

  • Take 1 vial daily
  • Or as recommended by your healthcare professionalist
  • Do not exceed the daily recommended intake



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